Saturday, July 25, 2020

Ep 22 - How Successful People Stay Calm - Workology

Ep 22 - How Successful People Stay Calm - Workology Welcome to the new Workology Go Podcast. In just under five minutes, we get you the HR and workplace news you need before you start your day. Get ready, get set and go with the Workology Go Podcast. Here are today’s HR and workplace news headlines from Workology Go Podcast. I’m Jessica Miller-Merrell. The Workology Go Podcast is sponsored by HSA Bank. Ep 22 How Successful People Stay Calm One of my favorite movies is a League of Their Own. I love it when Tom Hanks says to “Are you crying? Are you crying? There’s no crying. There’s no crying in baseball.” Can you believe that movie was released in 1992? Where has the time gone? The ability to manage your emotions and remain calm under pressure has a direct link to your performance. Research from the featured article from Forbes, studied million people, and we’ve found that 90% of top performers are skilled at managing their emotions in times of stress in order to remain calm and in control. I’m a very emotional person. I cry at commercials and silly shows like the Little Mermaid. No, I’m not lying. That moment where Ariel leaves her family and dad? I am a sobbing mess. I’ve cried in my own employee review when I was in corporate. I get really emotional which is why I was so drawn to this article. This article from Forbes is titled, How Successful People Stay Calm. I’ll link to the article in the transcript of this Workology Go Podcast episode. Emotions are often triggered by stress, and the Forbes article has a nice image that walks you through finding a balance between where stress and boredom and when you aren’t being swayed or managed by your emotions. We’ll include the image in the transcript of this podcast. The research from the University of Berkley found that the onset of stress and emotions actually allows the brain to grow increasing activity and memory. But there’s too much of a good thing and wild emotions and high levels of stress can hurt your health resulting in increased risk of heart disease, depression, obesity, and a decrease in your performance. Finding that sweet spot and right amount of stress to increase performance is something we should be striving for. This contradicts what I think a lot of people where they believe they should be all zen and not have any stress in our lives. Stress in moderation can drive you and your employees to perform, but that sweet spot is different for everyone. Equally important is providing our employees with resources and tools to be able to handle complex situations and stress. This week has been completely crazy for me. I had to deal with an emergency at our rental house resulting in a 12 hour round trip drive while juggling my business, my husband being away for work, my daughter who is home for summer while also getting ready for my own crazy travel schedule that’s ramping up at the end of this week. I can feel myself even talking about everything that has happened this week giving me stress which is why I am a fan of taking time to decompress. I try to meditate and practice mindfulness 15 minutes a day. I also have fell in love with float therapy. I think of it as forced meditation where I am floating in a large pod which feels like a spaceship. It’s filled with about a foot and a half of water with Epsom salt. Because of that, it makes me float and I can just glide in the water in complete darkness for an hour. It takes a while for me to get used to when I get into the pod, but I do and it’s glorious. It really helps me manage stress and keep those crazy emotions of mine in check a bit. Managing stress is a learned behavior. You aren’t just born innately being able to manage your emotions, life and stress. That’s a fact. And we need to help our employees learn, understand, identify stress, and find a solution to help them get through it. Float therapy and meditation work for me, but they might not work for you and your employees. So I’m looking to successful people to get tips, insights, and best practices on how to remain calm and professional so I can help my daughter and my team learn those good behaviors from me. What is Workology Go Podcast? And that’s this episode of the Workology Go Podcast. We’re your go to for HR and workplace news.  To learn more about the Workology Go Podcast, subscribe to us on Apple, Google, and Stitcher. Our podcast is also available on Alexa and Google Home. Learn more at and access this episodes resources, links and reports for more information. Featured Story How Successful People Remain Calm   More Great Resource The Power of Practicing Mindfulness at Work and in Life 5 Ways Leaders Can Stay Calm at Work Is Perfectionism Required to Be Successful? Staying Calm is a Super Power   How to Subscribe to the Workology Podcast Stitcher |  PocketCast |  iTunes |  Podcast RSS |  Google Play |  YouTube |  TuneIn You can also click here to find out how to be a guest on the Workology Podcast(s).

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